dark greetings
We are pleased to share a testnet beta of $Blood Game, the first phase of our pray-to-earn pyramid scheme:
Please give it a spin and let us know what you think. bugs are expected. This is TESTNET data and will not persist past this beta. do not get attached to your $blood balance
- Every 4 hours, rewards are given out based on the # of happy Gawds you have in your wallet
- Currently 1 Gawd = 1 $blood per reward cycle
- Gawds will die after several days without care. Take care of your Gawds using TamaGawdtchi
- There are various boosts available: a global boost, a cult-wide boost, and aligned powers boost. The Sanctuary (aka wallet) provides a full breakdown of each of these stats.
- All data is on Polygon testnet but you do NOT need to switch to the Polygon network; we are using metatransactions that only require your signature, and then we pay the MATIC gas for you
How to play
- You must own at least 1 Gawd
- Connect your wallet and visit https://beta.gawds.xyz/wallet
- Bind your Gawds to one of the three cults: Arcane, Astral, Terrene
- Once bound, you can care for your Gawds by visiting each Gawd directly.
- Gawds start out dead, so first you will need to resurrect them
- Each action – marvel, cower, sacrifice, worship – provides variable amounts of happiness to your gawd, and have different lengths of cooldown. e.g. marvel is available every few hours, but sacrifice is only available once per week or so
- Watch the new Blood Beta channels for notifications and game stats: #blood-binds, #blood-rewards
- Make your cult proud
Feedback on everything is very welcome. do the reward amounts feel correct? is the language clear? how can we spice this up? leave your comments in #blood-discuss
What’s next?